Kamis, 08 Desember 2016




There are black helicopters buzzing over hollywood boulevard. the LAPD has shut don traffic in both directions. thousands of civilians are amassed on the sidewalk. if this were a comic-book movie, now would be the time when the sky opens up and the alien mothership comes swooping in,  space gunsblazzing. but because it's just the premiere of a comic-book movie-marvels captain america:civil war,opening this month-all the hubbub merely presages  the arrival of the man of the hour, the leader of tthe avengers,cap him-figure smile as he steps out of a blue audi sports car and onto the red carpet.
but when he got to the theater and had to do the car thing-that's when the anxiety kicked in. it's a little nerve-racking," evans says two days later. you"re in the SUV with your family,your people. and then you have to pull over in some weird parking lot and do the swap. there"s security and all these people. all of a sudden you're out of your comfort zone. it"s strange. the little things that can tip you over.
you'd think this stuff would be easy for evans by now. h's one of the biggest names in the marvel  cinematic universe,the sprawling,8 billion disney owned enterprise that includes his there captain america films;the iron man,thor and hulk franchisses;and the all star avengers team ups, two of the top grossing movies of all time. the acting part is fine;it's everything else he can't handle.

1.hubbub                                    = keributan
2.apparently                               = tampaknya
3.anxiety                                    = kegelisahan
4.weird                                       = aneh
5.kicked                                     = ditendang
6.biggest                                    = terbesar
7.comfortable                            = nyaman
8.sprawling                                = terkapar
9.amassed                                  = mengumpulkan
10.boulevard                             = jalan raya
11.swopping                              = menukik
12.buddies                                 = teman
13.hills                                       = bukit
14.hangout                                 = tempat berkumpul
15.terrified                                 = ketakutan
16.comfort                                  = kenyamanan
17.sudden                                    = tiba tiba
18.supposed                                 = seharusnya
19.downed                                    = jatuh
20.owned                                      = dimiliki

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