Jumat, 16 Desember 2016

Your top recommendations for things to do in your town

hello friends abraham aritonang.disini still with me I will tell you about any kind of recommendation that is made in the city field.One of the largest cities in Indonesia are rallying center for people of various races. Multicultural terrain holds many stories. The story does not even know everyone Medan.1. History of Chess Indonesia Starts From Medan
Sports Chess is a sport that is close to the people of Indonesia. Almost everyone play it. Of course, like other modern sports, chess was brought by the Dutch. This game has been played and popular for a long time, but no one Dutch newspaper was giving the report.2. Region Name From Abroad
Medan is a city built by the Dutch. This fact is often forgotten. In fact, if it is not opened by the Dutch during the colonial period, it may place a Terrain remains uninhabited forest. Therefore, during the colonial era a lot of foreigners are in Medan.3.Cergam - Stories Pictures
Since long, Medan is known as the city of artists. Even though it was a little less, but still keeps a history long.But Terrain, do you know if it's a popular term Graphic Novels origin of Medan? Comic or story first images used in the first edition of the magazine Tjergam. Indonesia tenetang periodical comic was first published in December 1961. Published by Publisher ATB Medan.4. sudakoNowadays, sudako word is rarely heard. Terrain child prefer to call public transportation. Whereas sudako has a long history. Sudako stands Sumatra Daihatsu Company (Sudaco and then read into sudako). Initially sudako attend because of transport problems in the city of Medan. Stretch first sudako is Lin 01, (Lin equal to stretch) that connects between the local Red Market (Jalan HM. Joni), Jalan Amaliun (via Jalan Ismailis) and terminal Sambu, a central terminal first passenger transport small and medium sized in Medan.That is what is done in the city field. So the field is a magnificent city ... terimasih on my story.

Jumat, 09 Desember 2016

Catatan bahasa inggris

Last week I and My Friends go to the course of English in America Corner (AMCOR) UNTAN.

First subject matter we learn about synonym and do two exercises. And this is 1st exercise.
Grammar : Synonyms of Verb and Adverb for Academic English
Exercise 1. Verbs
Instruction : Write the letter associated with the corresponding synonym next to each word

SYNONYM (Exercise 1. Verb)
1. Obliterate = Destroyed
2. Severed = Cut
3. Conceive = Create
4. Tolerate = Allow
5. Ingest = Consume
6. Pacify = Calm (Down)
7. Calibrate = Adjust
8. Magnify = Enlarge
9. Incentivize = Support
10. Speculate = Theorize
11. Levitate = Float
12. Illustrate = Exemplify
13. Elucidate = Clarify
14. Impede = Interfere
15. Advocate = Motivate

And this is 2nd excercise
Exercise 2. Verbs
Instruction : Write the letter associated with the corresponding synonym next to each word
SYNONYM (Exercise 2. Verb)
1. Methodically = Systematically
2. Begrudgingly = Resentfully
3. Amicably = Quietly
4. Fiercely = Severely
5. Unintelligibly = Unclearly
6. Sporadically = Occasionally
7. Unequivocally = Indisputaly
8. Zealously = Eagerly
9. Laboriusly = Painfully
10. Earnestly = Decisively
11. Indisputably = Indisputably
12. Definitively = Absolutely
13. Faintly = Weakly
14. Discreetly = Privately

After that all we learn about vocabulary and comprehension and do exercise again.
1. Vocabulary
Match the words or phrases from the article with their definitions
1. Broken home : a family where the parents have separated
2. To snap at someone : to speak to someone angrily
3. To lose touch : to lose contac
4. To snap out of it : to recover quikly
5. To cope : to deal successfully with a situation
6. Blue : Unhappy (informal)
7. Help line : a telephone advice service
8. Self-injury : harm that you do to yourself deliberately
9. Counselor : a person professionally trained to talk to people about their problems

2. Comprehension
According to the text, are the following sentences true or false?
1. Teenagers don’t want to become adults. (False)

2. Teenagers often don’t know how to get helps with their depression. (True)

3. Other people are usually the first to see that you are depression. (True)

4. A common symptom of teenage behavior is moody behavior. (True)

5. It’s easy to recover quikly from serious depression. (False)

6. Talking to a person who is depressed is a good way to help. (True)

7. Telephone help lines are private way to talk about your problems. (True)

8. Anyone can be counselor. (False)

9. Everyone feels miserable sometimes. (True)

Kamis, 08 Desember 2016

A letter to your younger self and your 10-years-later self

A letter to your younger self and your 10-years-later self

hello friends still with abraham aritonang.sekarang I would be a friend to confide in friends all how a letter to my younger self onwards. I never said to myself, I should be successful muda.Sukses is an achievement that can be understood in general as a positive business success and not a fortune and not a fraud or not something mediocre, success has found to be in full and desperately struggle to pass the test either misfortune, hardship or misery. The sun had risen and a new day is already open again. Start your day with a full motivation. Stare at the mirror and make sure that you are ready to face everything and works today. from there I kept the spirit to live a better life again. besides that I do not forget to always pray in what I do. because every prayer is the spirit to keep the spirit of my saya.disitu year to year berikutnya..sekian and thanks.

The Online Information Debate

 Name  Groups:
 Marta Anindita - 
 Ade Putra -
 Rian Pirnando -
 Abraham Aritonang -
 Syafitra -

1. What website do you use to find information? which are best? why?Marta: what sites do you think best? Explain?Ade: www.facebook.com, because on facebook all the information I can see, with the information on the facts and abroad.Abraham: soccer.net, because I liked the information or news about football and I believe that this site can give me information tentnag football from home and abroadRian: google.com, for in google I can find things I wanted to find something whether it be material or events in the worldSyafitra: Detik.com, because all the information I find I can get into the site, and all information contained in this site is the fact that most actual and I believe the site or the information contained in this site is the best.2. does your school or teachers have any rules about using such sites?Rian: whether schools or teachers have rules for using these sites?Marta: There may be some who interpret this site is bad for small children or minors, because in this site there are a lot of content in adults, but in my opinion depends on those who use it whether it is good or bad use.Abraham: there are no restrictions, because the information contained in this site is only concerned about football.Syafitra: there are no restrictions, because the sites I select very facilitate its users to get the information.Ade: I do not think so, because the sites I select a site that is good for anyone who uses the site
.3. what is the difference between online information and information from libraries or encyclopedias?Abraham: what is the difference between online information and information from the library in the encyclopedia?Marta: I think more the latest information from the online encyclopedia information from libraryAde: its difference is the online information very easily on the can, and it is always the latest newsSyafitra: very different in terms of its presentation of information is much differentRian: for information online in presenting the information we need very fast and more popular

It’s your last meal on earth – what do you choose?

halo his friends still with abraham aritonang.disini I'll tell you about the last meal. here I am still surprised about the food terakhir.tapi I studied again what I tersebut.setiap topic road with someone I always stop at the restaurants that are in the field. there I ordered food and drinks. there I ordered a lobster meal terrain and strowberri juice. when I feel the food, I felt the food was delicious. and there I spend it quickly and asked for plus one lagi.sampai my boyfriend was surprised with me. after that we went out of the restaurant. and the next morning, I invited my girlfriend again and brought also to the restaurant. and I ordered the food as I said, the lobster and strowbery juice. and my boyfriend was told to me, why did you bring me home to the restaurant, you are always messages lobster and strowbery juice? its not a lot of its food and drink menu? I also told my boyfriend, since my first taste of the food and drink, I feel like hypnotic that it tastes good and his drinks were fresh as well. and there I also told him, until whenever the food was the first and last for me. That is all and thank you.




There are black helicopters buzzing over hollywood boulevard. the LAPD has shut don traffic in both directions. thousands of civilians are amassed on the sidewalk. if this were a comic-book movie, now would be the time when the sky opens up and the alien mothership comes swooping in,  space gunsblazzing. but because it's just the premiere of a comic-book movie-marvels captain america:civil war,opening this month-all the hubbub merely presages  the arrival of the man of the hour, the leader of tthe avengers,cap him-figure smile as he steps out of a blue audi sports car and onto the red carpet.
but when he got to the theater and had to do the car thing-that's when the anxiety kicked in. it's a little nerve-racking," evans says two days later. you"re in the SUV with your family,your people. and then you have to pull over in some weird parking lot and do the swap. there"s security and all these people. all of a sudden you're out of your comfort zone. it"s strange. the little things that can tip you over.
you'd think this stuff would be easy for evans by now. h's one of the biggest names in the marvel  cinematic universe,the sprawling,8 billion disney owned enterprise that includes his there captain america films;the iron man,thor and hulk franchisses;and the all star avengers team ups, two of the top grossing movies of all time. the acting part is fine;it's everything else he can't handle.

1.hubbub                                    = keributan
2.apparently                               = tampaknya
3.anxiety                                    = kegelisahan
4.weird                                       = aneh
5.kicked                                     = ditendang
6.biggest                                    = terbesar
7.comfortable                            = nyaman
8.sprawling                                = terkapar
9.amassed                                  = mengumpulkan
10.boulevard                             = jalan raya
11.swopping                              = menukik
12.buddies                                 = teman
13.hills                                       = bukit
14.hangout                                 = tempat berkumpul
15.terrified                                 = ketakutan
16.comfort                                  = kenyamanan
17.sudden                                    = tiba tiba
18.supposed                                 = seharusnya
19.downed                                    = jatuh
20.owned                                      = dimiliki

Your karaoke song of choice and why

Hello friends. Now I will tell you about the karaoke songs that I like. sma still time, me and my girlfriend went way around the city field. I kept walking around do not know where that would go. after that, my girlfriend invites somewhere. and the place is karaoke. my girlfriend asked me to stop in place karaoke tersebut.dan I finally stopped. I asked my boyfriend, like doing here. Did no other place that would target other than here? My boyfriend replied, no. aja has entered dulu.nanti you going to know, and certainly you'll definitely like. and there we entered the karaoke, and we were told to enter the room. there I was asked to select a song. and I chose songs anji him. there me and my girlfriend singing. and I also feel this song is beautiful times, and is suitable to be sung to a lover. My boyfriend and I had 2 hours in the karaoke. before returning home, I asked my boyfriend, why do we get out of the fast time in the karaoke. and I still want to sing a song for you. My girlfriend told me, before you reject, now you want. so before going to a place, you do not immediately want to say no. right now you ask for more. tomorrow tomorrow was again yes. and until now, I still love that song. if you say god now what do you want? I asked to bring me and my girlfriend to sing anji him to my girlfriend. I continued to pray. I thought about our time together, and it was hard to be forgotten. so that his friends, if you have a girlfriend that we should be happy k, do we in vain ka. once you useless right, tidak.ada another chance. thank you